Wednesday, March 31, 2010

doorknobs and bedtimes

should be out of whack sleepwise, just out of whack stuffnbusiness-wise. i mean, a mess. but everyone is well and safe, though not soundly asleep in bed. even though it's 9pm. worked a night on monday. it's wednesday. worked a day today. wacky. but benadryl helped. and this beautiful weather makes everything okay. sonya's--i mean our---garden is coming up beautifully. the trees are budding. we've weeded, composted, turned the raised beds...boys sowed radishes and sugar snap peas and planted some beet starts. it's a token veggie garden this year. we have enough to do without major food cultivation. door knobs are falling off and there's a hole in the kitchen floor. but next year man.
owen's bedtime has moved to 8ish. tonight apparently 9ish. i was late home from work...late admission, hate to leave things undone there. it's the one place i have order, plus i don't want people dishin' behind my back that i leave a bunch of crap i should have finished. plus the guilt. where does patient care fit in, you wonder? well, it's there. it's just not why i stayed late tonight. good delivery of a baby with a brain anomaly today. awesome family, orienting a new coworker. she's not brand new to W&I nursing, so that helps.
went to a meeting last night for eli's new school--cgm charter. it's going to be good if a little ragtag. which we like. new teachers to be hired for his classroom, though, both. bummer there, but the reading specialist we really like is still going to be there. and the upper division room seems awesome. i need to freshen up my Montessori lingo. he'll love it...worried it won't be structured enough, but pat says it will.
working tomorrow then off to monett for easter. hoping to get called off tomorrow so i can organize, clean and pack...with the windows open while the boys play in the yard with lara...occasionally bringing garden finds in for me to see and smell. love them in the yard. in the house. in the bed. awake or asleep. all is quiet now except for pat's breathing...asleep on the couch.

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