Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A prayer of Jabez(sica)

Lord let me be more gentle tomorrow. Still firm. But more respectfully gentle. Also, will you please keep M safe tomorrow and help her have peace, please? Thank you for the plums and paints and pottery and Pat. And for the boys and their spirits. And for the way they move and are still (so rarely, but still). And thank you for the desire to run 5k today. And to make yummy dinner and for the parts to add to it and for the chickens. And could you please help dad find his way back from the far right? Or at least to find his way to you...to love? And help me keep wanting to be better and closer to you. And to want to write. And to keep after your means for me. And to not fall too far or too hard. And to keep the boys safe? And Pat, too? Please? Thank you for my bed, for the work, for the ability to appreciate the sun and the water and the music!!!! My life is so good. Thank you. Please keep my heart full of your love. You're awesome. (Double chest thump, peace sign at you). (And a big bear hug.)

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