Saturday, May 19, 2012


-Mom what does "meow" mean? And where do hedgehogs live?
-He's famous. Is he dead?

Exactly as I would live

If I were living exactly as I wanted to live I would: -mother/wife/care for our home, yard & finances and write novels - historical fiction about St. Louis and Santa Barbara and birth - for a living -love my family and friends better, more consistently and attentively -live in a smaller, lower maintenance home with only the things we NEED (I mean get rid of even the books that we "like" but will sit on our shelves forever, never being read…) -regularly work with habitat or a well-run organization that provides health care to the desperately in-need (maybe mission trips) -be a vegetarian -have a 3rd child, then donate my kidney to my husband to make it work I may/will have to: -stay on PRN at BJH, just to keep the health insurance and in touch with patients -stop dying my hair blond -stop going to Starbucks and get rid of extra clothing, and lots of other stuff, stop BUYING all of this unnecessary crap -clean out the basement